get publicity

美 [ɡet pʌbˈlɪsəti]英 [ɡet pʌbˈlɪsəti]
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get publicityget publicity
  1. This is a sure fire way to get publicity .


  2. It 's just a stunt to get publicity for their new production .


  3. I think movie stars just do charity work to get publicity & but maybe I 'm too cynical .


  4. For example , they stress that you need to get publicity up and running a good six months before you want to stage the event .


  5. EPS to get publicity is needed at the national , it would cost far less than other insulating materials and insulation performance can achieve certain requirements .


  6. Along with the development of Chongqing in past since social and economic levels rise ceaselessly , the higher education must conform to the situation of social development to get publicity and popularity .


  7. In other words , he implied , this was a fairly easy and even fun way to make a buck and get publicity , especially for someone with no advertising power to speak of .


  8. Public relations is your ability to get free publicity .


  9. But women 's sports don 't get much publicity in america .


  10. If you are self-employed , you can get great publicity or new clients .


  11. I still think that they only got married to get more publicity for their movies and themselves .


  12. No , what happened was you got jealous , so you took away a chance for me to get some publicity .


  13. Because even minor Olympic events such as uniform unveilings can get major publicity , companies from around the world have paid as much as100 million dollars to be associated with the Beijing games .


  14. Even the charity effort effectively set him against the glitterati he managed to organize because each of them deemed it a snub when they did not get the publicity they sought .


  15. I don 't want to catch you pushing yourself into the picture to get some personal publicity


  16. When you get this much publicity , you 're practically a movie star .


  17. So if we get some good publicity , maybe it will offset some of the bad publicity .


  18. I must admit it irks me to see this guy get all this free publicity


  19. When they are married , their brides get the presents and publicity .
